Obion County Board of Education
September 4, 2012

Agenda Item: VIII.H.

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy #5.200 – Separation Practices for Tenured Teachers and
#5.201 – Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers

Background Information:

Public Chapter 801, effective April 23, 2012, amends Tennessee law and allows for a more streamlined teacher suspension procedure, as long as the suspension is for three (3) days or less. The amendment does not remove the possibility of longer suspensions; it only abbreviates the due process requirements for suspensions of three (3) days or less. Public Chapter 801 effects two (2) Board policies - #5.200 – Separation Practices for Tenured Teachers and #5.201 – Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers. To this end, TSBA’s recommended policy #5.200 and policy #5.201 simply adds language to effectuate the intent of the law. However, in TSBA’s recommended policy #5.200, lines 17 – 19 need to be struck due to redundancy.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend approval of the above-noted amendments to Board Policies #5.200 – Separation Practices for Tenured Teachers and #5.201 – Separation Practices for Non-Tenured Teachers, on first reading.